Our philosophy is to build quality into product from the beginning. Our inspection major in three stages: Developing, Production and Final Inspection.    

We assist both customer and supplier in developing and sampling. We assist customer in sourcing for material and accessories in order to calculate the basic cost of the product so customer know whether the quote provided by manufacturer is reasonable or not. We also support manufacturer to find quality while low-cost material / accessories so to lower down their cost. With our professional knowledge in quality we will support to build quality into product at the developing stage.

With our support, customer can be confident of getting the very best performance from a supplier, and, should the need arise a swift and commercial resolution to any problems or disputes.

We can assist factory for the necessary lab test / certification if required.

Once sample approved, factory shall not do any modifications, improvements or other changes in materials or manufacturing processes that may materially affect the appearance, performance, quality, merchantability or safety of the product without customer*s express written prior permission.

Pre-production meeting is for both factory production managements and China Hand Inspector to study the approved sample and to make sure production can go on smoothly and products can achieve same or higher quality than approved sample as well as set up the quality standard for both factory and China Hand to follow. The PPMeeting shall be held after sample approved and before bulk production commence.
PPMeeting majors in below four steps:    
Step one: Sample review 每 to study the sample closely, emphasis on production difficult parts and quality weak points.
Step two: Factory*s question discussion 每 factory must make sure production can go on smoothly (to meet on-time delivery) as well as quality same or higher than sample. If factory foresee any production obstacle or any quality deviation, factory must raise it up during PPMeeting for discussion. For production block, factory need group discussion and think out best way to overcome the difficulty; for unavoidable quality deviation, we will work with factory to make out a deviation range as standard for both parties to follow (must get customer*s approval first).
Step three: Customer*s quality requirement 每 We will advise factory of customer*s quality requirement which factory must fully abide by.
Step four: Set up quality standard 每 after discussion and base on mutual agreement, the quality standard fixed for both parties to follow during bulk production:
States the quality requirement for the material / components / accessories in color, size, feeling, durability, etc.
Necessary lab test for incoming material / components / accessories 每 fastness, rub test, aging, tearing, etc.
Workmanship quality standard
Set up red-flag at the weak point process to absorb
verybody*s attention. If necessary, set up QC station to 100% quality inspection.
Upon receiving order, factory must set up the Work-In-Porgress plan and set each procedure lead time. If there*s change of the WIP factory must advise both customer and China Hand. China Hand will assign the professional inspector to factory to check material / components / accessories and check lab test result when they are ready.

China Hand inspector will follow-up each production process and identify whether there*s defect or risk of defect exists. The production checking focus on:
  • Material
  • Components
  • Accessories
  • Workmanship
  • Machine stability
If defect or any risk of defect find, will discuss with factory production leader and work out the best solution. If no ideal solution be achieved between factory and China Hand, pictures / videos will be taken to show to customer, or if necessary, express sample to customer.

If customer desire, China Hand can train its factories with LEAN concept, to improve factories productivity as well as lower down cost.
Final Inspection

Final inspection begin when production finished and goods packed. During a final inspection, the random samples are drawn from the finished products based on a statistical sampling method, most commonly ANSI/ASQCE 1.4, MIL-STD-105E or BS6001. The objective is to determine if the inspection results conform to the customer's specifications of size, color, design, style, function, appearance, quantity, markings, bar code, labeling, assortments, packing details and other characteristics that may be relevant to the product. Our Inspector verify that the finished Shipping lots have been made to your specifications.

For example, use Normal AQL1.0 (major), 2.5 (minor) as the inspection standard, we have an order of 10,000 units to inspect. According to table 1, "L" is right sample size code for general inspection level II. Therefore in table 2, we pick "200" as L's corresponding sample size. So the allowed maximum number of defective unit is as follows:
  • Critical Defect - 0
  • Major Defect - 5
  • Minor Defect - 10
In other words, if the number of critical defective units is more than 0, or major defective units is more than 5, or minor defective units is more than 10, this order failed and must be re-processed.

We do 100% inspection for goods of high value or goods which need special attention, or upon customer*s request.

We can consolidate your products from different factories which is less than a container load to a full container load so you can save freight costs. We will supervise container loading and take pictures for reference.
Final Inspection Guideline

1. Shipment must be 100% finished before final inspection.
2. Count total number of cartons to determine that shipment is
3. Pick up cartons randomly, the carton no. selected should be recorded    on the inspection report.
4. Factory must provide a clean table, with enough light;
5. Check carton quality - no torn nor break, no deform, all opening must    be well sealed; Check carton information.
6. Check actual quantity in carton, must be same as shown on shipping    marks as well as carton sticker (if any).
7. Before checking detail, place a product on a table and stands at 2    meters distance to view the product from different angle, product
   must be in nice appearance 每 when consumer stands before the
   product, the first impression is crucial to whether consumer will buy    it or not.
8. Check measurement, size, weight, position, make sure everything
   comply with counter sample.
9. Check product functionality, usability, durability, appearance,
   color, etc.
10. Check workmanship, cleaning, finishing, etc.
11. Check packaging condition.
12. Defects are generally defined as:

  A. Critical defects are those which are considered to represent an unsafe or hazardous condition to the consumer.
B. Major defects are those functional defects, which diminish the intended use of the product or cosmetic defects, which are likely to result in consumer dissatisfaction with the product.

NOTE. Cosmetics will be judged by visual inspection with non-magnified 20/20 normal or corrected vision at a distance of 15 to 25 inches for approximately 3 seconds per 10 sq. inches. Lighting should be diffused to avoid shadows and cool white florescent lighting of at least 80 foot candles is recommended. Appropriate weight may be given to the importance of the surface being inspected; i.e. top surface appearance is more critical than bottom surfaces.

C. Minor defects are all other defects that are brought to the manufacturer*s attention as potential problem if not corrected.

13. During inspection, no cleaning or touching up by factory     personnel is allowed.
14. Faults found should be recorded immediately. All units which are     defective must be set aside and should not meet normal
    production line again until being repaired.
15. Units that can*t be repaired (critical defects) should be     destroyed under China Hand supervision. All replacement units to     fill the cartons should be checked by China Hand Inspector.
16. If a shipment is reprocessed, the factory must re-fill and     re- inspect the  entire shipment.
17. Factory should notify China Hand, in advance, when re-processing     would be completed so that re-inspection can be arranged and     completed on time, without delay for the shipment.
18. For re-inspections, different cartons than in the first     inspection should be selected.
19. Make inspection report and get factory manager*s signature.
20. Meeting with factory related personnel to review the defectives     and to discuss how to prevent for future production.


A209-210, The 80 Steps, DaMeiSha, YanTian, ShenZhen, China 518085
P: +86 136 0308 1220 / +86 136 5267 1220