Factory Audit
We do formal factory audit upon customer*s request. The factory audit covers:
  Background 每 to learn factory*s history, repute, achievements.
Production category 每 product range, business scope.
Current product and key customers 每 factory current customers and    their product range and monthly / annual volume, product sold market.
Capacity 每 daily / monthly capacity and current workload.
Developing capability 每 in-house designer and developing workforce    and equipment
Workforce 每 workers no., office clerks.
Machinery 每 what kind of machines and quantity.
Lab 每 any in-house lab, and lab machines
Quality assurance system 每 With independent quality assurance team    or not, the quality assurance efficiency.
Code of Conduct
  • Employment Standards
  • Forced Labor
  • Child Labor
  • Discrimination
  • Wages and Benefits
  • Hours of Work
  • Right of Association
  • Health and Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Dormitory
  • Other
A Factory Audit Report will be filled and send to both customer and manufacturer the next day after factory audit.  

A209-210, The 80 Steps, DaMeiSha, YanTian, ShenZhen, China 518085
P: +86 136 0308 1220 / +86 136 5267 1220
Email: service@chinahandinc.com